On my current playthrough, I haven't fast traveled at all. I recently found this Talos Shrine near Cradlecrush Rock.
I don't know..playing..no DLC's though. That was on XBOX. Now I got myself one sixy gaming PC and NV; Ultimate and Skyrim; Legendary with it. It's way better on PC with mods.
There will be a place for you in Sovngarde, brother.
I took a little bit of a break myself. Went back and started playing Assassin's Creed 3, COD Modern Warfare 1 & 2. Its nice when you take a break. That way you come back to it refreshed.
This made my dark and decayed heart, warm and fuzzy.
That is sweet of you though.
I thought this to when I first started playing but once you get further into the story it gets a lot better.
So, how many characters have you got? What race and gender are they?
And well, do you have a favorite?
I've been taking a break lately to play Minecraft myself, and I also played Dark Souls for a few months and still rarely do. It's a pretty fun game. I need to buy Dragon's Dogma soon.