Quick fact check:
- http://bethblog.com/index.php/2007/09/27/inside-the-vault-mark-lampert/
- http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-06-03-60-000-lines-of-dialogue-for-skyrim
So there are about 23,000 lines of dialogue more in Skyrim compare to Oblivion.
So what does this mean? Let's go into that but first let me remind you, this is pure speculation.
some Questions, I do not have answers to:
- Which of the ten races shared the same voice? (example: Imperial having the same voice as a Orc).
- Will there be a very different voice on a example-> Orc NPC versus a Imperial NPC as they are quite different from each other?
We have ten races, Altmer (High Elf) - Argonian - Bosmer (Wood Elf) - Breton - Dunmer (Dark Elf) - Imperial - Khajiit - Nord - Orsimer (Orc) - Redguard... so will any of these races have significant different voice/tone/language then our ordinary human example-> Imperial voice?
! key ending, read under here before you reply to remove any future confusion that may or may not occur!
Now.. if that will happen, could that drastically increase the lines of dialogue in your opinion?
Because in my honest opinion, I do hope they make a significant difference in the voice/tone/language of a Orc versus a Imperial or a Khajiit for that matter versus a Redguard.
It's kinda to me, least expected! BUT to me, it was least expected for Oblivion aswell but that didn't happen very well, or did it?