Ive stumbled on the before, but now I know more or less how it works. This glitch basically will let you have many more than one Standing Stone active once you've found the Aetherial Crown.
Below is an example of how to get The Mages Stone, Warriors Stone, and Thief Stone active with the Lovers Stone in the Aetherial Crown. Follow these instructions Perfectly!!! Otherwise it may not work. Basically only put on and take off the Aetherial Crown when it says to. Note this method works with other stones, but it will remove the effect that is alphabetically higher on the list first. Please test and let me know if this works I did this on Xbox 360.
1) Warriors Stone in Aetherial Crown, Lovers Stone Effect on character.
Go to Guardian Stones, remove Crown and put it back on. Make sure it says Warrior Stone added!
2) Mage Stone activate, then very quickly inventory and remove the Crown. Active effects should be Lovers Stone and Mages Stone without Aetherial Crown.
3) With Crown off(DONT PUT IT BACK ON!!) go to Thief Stone activate, should get Lovers Stone Removed, so you will have Mage Stone and Thief Stone Active, then after put the Aetherial Crown on to gain the Lovers Stone effect.
4) With Crown on go to the Warrior Stone, activate, then quickly inventory and remove the Crown.
Should have, Mage Stone, Warriors Stone, Thief Stone, all active with no Crown.
5)Travel to Lovers Stone and activate(keep the Aetherial Crown off!), Should have Lovers, Theif, Warrior without crown.
6) Travel back to Standing Stones, put Aetherial Crown on, activate the Mage Stone then quickly inventory and remove the Crown. Lovers, Mages, Warriors Stone should be active without Crown.
7) Go to the Theif Stone with no Crown and activate, should now have Mages, Warriors, Thief Stone active with no Crown, Put the Crown on to gain The Lover’s Stone.
Enjoy you now have 4 Standing Stone Active effects.