» Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:01 pm
974. There will always be running water. Even when the pipping is completely destroyed.
975. No one will ever be fat.
976. You can kill someones best friend and comeback to them in 3 hours, and it will be like nothing ever happened.
977. All women will have the same briast size.
978. One pair of clothing will fit all sizes and genders.
979. Everyone will wear a T-shirt and underwear under their clothing no matter what they are wearing over it.
980. All cows will have two heads.
981. All dogs will be vicious, expect for one.
982. All men will be the same height. It is the same with all women.
983. There will be talking trees after all.
984. Men will always be taller than women, expect for one.
985. 1 out of every 5 people will have the same voice.
986. You can punch a cow and an entire town will attack you.
987. Don't take cover behind anything that has an engine for more than 5 seconds.
988. There will be NO plant life outside of Oasis.
989. You can shoot your weapons 1 inch from someones face, but as long as it doesn't hit them or someone else, they will not become afraid or hostile.
990. The names of all foods will either contain puns or be ironic.
991. There will be no Unmutated or diseaseless creatures, except for one.
992. For every 1000 working computers/terminals, there will be 0 working televisions.
993. You can kill anyone with teddy bears, yes...without stuffing the cotton down their throat.
994. You can be killed for stealing a pencil.
995. All mutants will be the same height. Except for 5.
996. Radiation can be cured in less than 5 seconds.
997. It will be impossible to lay in a mattress you don't own.
998. Paying for a prosttute is the same as paying a women to sleep in the same bed as you. (Literally).
999. People can be stabbed multiple times and still be standing