» Sat May 28, 2011 3:58 am
286. The best way to take care of people trying to get onto the subway without a ticket is to have a robot who could turn them into a pile of ash.
287. Mr. Gutsys who have been wandering around the wasteland for 200 years haven't run out of fuel for their thrusters.
288. There is bread in the wasteland (Mierlurk Cakes, Tenpenny's Iguana Bits Sandwhich) even though there's only like 5 bags of flour and the only yeast in existance is 100 miles away in Point Lookout.
289. If you steal from someone when they happen not to be looking, they'll never notice their missing stuff later, and will certainly never connect it to you even if you're wearing/wielding what you stole.
290. If you lockpick someone's house or private storage, they'll never lock it back up.