208.locks that look the same can be harder to pick
209. You can break into a safe with a screwdriver and a bobbypin.
210. Wastelanders know how to light their cigarettes without any matches or a lighter.
211. Ghouls are squishy.
212. Beer and Booze makes you stronger
213. In the future people can carry 10 Assualt rifles 2 chinese assualt rifles, a hunting rifle, and 3 pistols without a backpack or bag to haul them around with.
214. Man discovered the killing power with rock and bone
215. In thunderdome 2 man enter 1 man leaves, in vault 101 no one enters no one ever leaves, but 2 men entered and 2 men left?
216. You're not going to survive the harsh wastelands if you're afraid of needles, simple as that.