1. Spend as much time around Uranium as you want. You may look hideous, but you'll increase your life for 200 years.
2. If you read the same book 50 times, you'll learn something new every time.
3. Asians can have the deep, iconic voice of a white guy.
4. 1 year old babies can read books.
5. Robots do not make good doctors, or cake cutters
6. Robots don't like zomb...I mean ghouls.
7. By 2077, we'll be able to make a realistic battle simulation that interacts with the person doing it through a neural interface, but they can't make computer screens in color
8. In case of a nuclear holocaust, nobody will be able to figure out how to make a car work again, but the government will have fleets of helicopters that were only experimental before the war.
9. All old men sound exactly the same, same for all old women.
10. You can take a dress off of a dead woman and magically change it into a suit, you're just that skilled.
11. All ammunition, even missiles, are made out of air.
12. If you want to put away your flamethrower, just make it vanish with your Harry Potter skillz while keeping the fuel tank on your back, and it will magically turn visible again when you need it.
Keep it goin'