If the same bandits, marauders, and undead in every dungeon with no backstory or reason being there is your definition of "Varied and Unique", then I must be the pickiest man alive.
Since this is the oblivion forum, I won't argue more about it.
I always look at it like this: they inhabit these dungeons because they were once populated by Ayleids and humans, but these areas are now abandoned now that the great wars are over. Now that they're all abandoned, hoards of bandits and other miscreants have taken over. It's an ongoing problem that WE have to put a stop to if we desire. So far as them re-spawning, remember that Cyrodiil's borders are theoretically open, so many of these bad guys could also happen to be coming over from Skyrim, Morrowind, etc.
83). Killing NPCs and watching them flop over lifelessly never gets old! Oblivion is the first game I've ever played in which they don't fall into a cookie-cutter position when they die. We can also pull them around and move them after death. :violin:
84). They also drop their weapons realistically, which then clatter to the ground. :whistling:
85). Random NPCs (like Casta Scribona) who claim to have written a book, yet that book exists nowhere in the game! And all the NPCs who apparently tell lies and don't just give us solid information all the time.
86). Throwing fireballs & lightning bolts as far into the distance! Like sometimes my char. will simply throw one of these while standing in the mountains somewhere. The effect doesn't just peter out, it actually
keeps going way into the distance until it apparently strikes something.
87. Arranging items in houses. My Oblivion houses often look more stylish than my real-life home! :goodjob:
88. My nephew has been playing the game (since I bought it for his birthday) for almost a year. I thought I had seen it all in OB, but he's describing stuff to me I've NEVER even heard about, even though I've been playing myself for almost 3 years on and off. :bowdown: