» Sat May 28, 2011 12:51 am
20. Huge, detailed and immersive world. Some would argue with that, but it really is. Just listen to footsteps. They change based on the surface and your footwear. Or just the sound of someone dying. And all the hand placed items, clutter, rocks and vegetation.
21. An open sandbox world. You can go anywhere and do anything at any time. Maybe even taken to extreme, since I think actions should have more consequences. But you are not forced into playing through one sequence of quests or evens.
22. Varied landscapes. Again some (particularly Morrowind players) might argue. But objectively there are many varied landscapes and dungeons, with very unique items.
23. Alchemy. A powerful, and interesting feature
24. Rich magic. Compared with say Two Worlds, there are many different and unique spell variations. Particularly interesting when combined with enemy weaknesses
25. Lore and backstory
26. Varied and unique dungeons with many interesting finds. The claim of generic dungeons is just flat out and demonstratively incorrect. Lots of very unique items, activities, discovery, and enemies in TES IV dungeons. That's a verifiable fact. Its beyond he scope of this thread to list examples, and cannot be listed in the General forum anyway because of he unique surprises in the game.