Yes but Lights are practicaly worthless (my opinion). They can do more SMARTing but thats their only advantage.
I would like to prove your negative view on lights wrong sir!!
Here are some builds for you to deem worthy!! :3
Name: The grenadier
(posted this on another thread btw) Soldier : The grenadier exploits the lights speed and agility to get to a vantage point before an eventual skirmish can occur, he will then wait for his own sqaud and the enemies sqaud to meet, when he deems it time he shall rain down explosive hell on his foes, the resulting bombardment will knockdown and scatter the enemy leaving them at his teams mercy.
Name: The pick-me-up
Medic: Kitted out with a long rifle the pick-me-up supports his team mates from afar until his allies start to fall, when this occurs the pick-me-up will use his supeior speed to rush over, revive and rush back to his safe position. With the enemy unable to keep your team down victory is a certainty. ( The lazarus grenade would work wonders for this approach)
Name: The handy man
Engineer: The handy man is used for a purley defensive approach for the battlefield, his main job is to keep turrets, command posts and various other defensive measures up to snuff, he would be constantly running around keeping said things hack free and pristine. Thanks to his small physique he can juggle his duties a hell of alot easier.

Operative: I dont think I have to explain why ;3