Quite the contrary. "Rushed" is exactly the impression many of us get when we look through the game files.
To some of us who have pored over these files over the last few years Skyrim's unused game files feel distinctly different than the unused game files we see in other games such as Oblivion or Morrowind. In those games, content has obviously been cut out fairly early as a natural process of developing a game. This is a process all developers go through.
As an example of the way things are usually done, we can look at Oblivion. Examining cut content such as Sutch or the Chorrol Arena it is fairly obvious that these things were not cut at the last minute. Someone in the front office made the call to cut that content early in development. As a result, none of it is remotely close to being in a finished state.
Skyrim feels different. There are so many files so very, very close to being finished that one does in fact get the impression of employees working hard right up to quitting time on the very last hour of the very last day, after which the files were seemingly yanked out of their hands so that the game could go gold.
We will never know for sure. I cannot prove that 11/11/11 was a factor. You cannot prove that 11/11/11 was not a factor. The only people who can prove it are the employees at Bethesda and they're not talking.