are you complaining that freaking 140 side quests are to Low?
if i recall i played Fallout 3, Fallout new vegas, And oblivion ( all dlcs for all of em) Oblivion which is the biggest of them had 103 side Quests (Counted it myself could be wrong.), not including none Journal quests and main quests.
(people who think that each sperate oblivion gate to close is considered a quest is pretty lame.)
where the hell you think Oblivion had more then 140 side quests? this is ridiculous,
in anyway when i finished oblivion i did everything in the game, i felt sick of the lack of new content, same dungeons same stuff over and over again.
considering Pete Said 5x Times the amount of fallout 3 quests which comes to 140, and he also said not considering the Random generated quests, ( for example- escorting some one who got lost)
and the None Journal quests. it comes to be pretty Huge.
i remember when i have done everything in oblivion it took more more then 300 Hours and i think it is more then some can handle in a game...
(Note: im pretty Sure that Pete dont know the amount of skyrim quests himself, thats why he said "about 5x times fallout 3 quests", he couldnt give a straight answer".)