I'm using Fallout Wanderers Edition and Weapon Mod Kits; I suspect this gun was added by one of the mods incorporated in the FWE compilation but I can't be sure. Fact is, I'm using an awesome 14mm pistol with a tremendous punch (that I found in the National Guard Depot; it's a somewhat faithful copy of one of my favorites in the previous Fallout installments), but I can only use it sparsely because of the almost-impossible-to-find ammo.
If you know where to find it or, as a last resource (if the locations are, for instance, random), know the console code, please help me out here. Having a weapon like that and not being able to use it is a [censored] [censored] [censored] PITA.

Thank you in advance.
Quick edit: I just hit "post new topic" and occurred to me that, although I'm looking for a hint here, maybe the best (and correct) place to post it is in the mods area, since the referred ammo was added by a mod.
Please move the thread, and sorry for your trouble... :thumbsup: