Dear fellas,
I'm someone who treats the game as "real life", doesn't messing up nor just "killing everyone", taking decisions seriously. And this led me to a real problem. I've been playing Fallout 4 since its release, and completing the main quests "without rushing", so the game doesn't over too soon.
Some weeks ago I've had to decide with witch faction I should continue the game. After thinking, I was between BoS and The Institute, but can't choose one of them. So, I decided just "exploring the game", completing side quests, discovering places, choosing a permanent companion, modifying guns and armors while I decide... since today.
Now I've realized that I completed the whole game, except the main quests. I'm now faced to recover the Beryllium Agitator with the two factions mentioned. If I choose to do with one, I become a enemy of the other. So, now my "on the fence" tactical have to end. I've saved the game, and did with BoS. Than loaded and did with The Institute. But becoming an enemy of the "other" bothered me in both cases, so I loaded it again and... here I am.
Can you guys help me?
As a scientist (engineer), I agree with BoS that machines can't have "a mind", but... destroy the Institute? They made lots of science advancing, and just killing everyone doesn't seems me a good idea. They are the only one that have good-conditions items, like desk fans, and places, like a good bathroom with clean towels... and teletransportation! They have the technology to restore the mankind... but with Synths.
At the other side, the Brotherhood have the integrity and power to put order in this messy world. They are well organized and with high-tech weaponry, such the Prydwen. But they don't have clean towels. And Proctor Ingram is cute as hell, I don't think that I have the guts to kill her. They all respects the humans, and hope to restore the mankind as a new "mankind", not "every-thing-that-moves-kind".
If someone could give me a hint, and answer some questions, I will really appreciate. To make it easier to answer, I'll put numbers on the questions.
Say everything that you want, I already know basically how both endings will be, and lots of spoilers.
1) All the scientist at Institute will die if I side with the Brotherhood? After the attack, BoS can retrieve some of their technology, or everything will be lost?
2) When I did "Spoilers of War", retrieving the Beryllium Agitator for BoS, I've received a really short quest, "Banished From The Institute". On it, Father didn't seems very happy... my relationship with him will get better before he dies? He can face The Institute destruction without getting really mad?
3) What will happen with the Institute (the location itself, not the organization) after BoS strikes? Will just "die with everyone inside", and become an empty cavern?
4) What kind of government The Institute will have if I take their ending? (like in New Vegas, we could choose between republic, dictatorship, or empire, if I'm not wrong)
5) The Prydwen REALLY have to go down if I side with The Institute? That thing is awesome...
6) Emmett, Proctor Quinlan's cat, also will die if I take The Institute ending?
7) What is The Institute's main propose? Just create Synths? For what, exactly? And why there are some aggressive Gen-1 Synths on the surface (they even attacked Sanctuary Hills in my game)? Also we have that Gen-3 Synth in Diamond City that killed the noodle-maker guy (before the Japanese Protectron), reading one of Piper's "Synthetic Truth" (the newspaper)... some reason?
8) We noticed some "Rogue Synths". The Institute can't have full control on all their creations?
9) It may be a stupid question... but, just to check. We saw that BoS have tolerance zero over Synths (just look at "Blind Betrayal" quest). They also have this "short fuse" with Non-Feral Ghouls (like Hancock or the Vault-Tec Vendor) and Humanized Super Mutants (like Strong)?
Since now, I really appreciate every help, hint or commentary that someone can give. Sorry for the very long post, I hope that someone enjoy to enter in this discussion.