Thats a good point. I forgot about that. I do that as well.
Thats a good point. I forgot about that. I do that as well.
Same here.
I spend sooooooo much time in character creation with my female characters, I want to be able to look at and watch them when I play the game. Dude characters, not so much.
I use both. 1st person for bows, ranged magic, or dungeon diving. 3rd person for melee combat, exploring, or traveling.
In Fallout 3 I mostly played 1st person, the animations were just terrible to look at.
In Skyrim however seeing as the graphics were beefed up its 1st person while in combat and 3rd person the rest of the time.
3rd person except for missile fire ( mostly, my son is teaching me the secret third person archery skills) and for close examination. My wife is mostly 1st as is my youngest daughter. Older son and older daughter are both third.
!st person melee is suicide for me and third person melee is suicide for my wife. There is a symmetry here.
I'm just so glad they continue to include both choices or half my family would be cut out.
First person is how I like to play. It makes me feel like am in the game and experiencing everything more fully. Only time I use third person is to enjoy viewing my character with some great armor or great looking attire which may or may not be revealing.
first person unless i'm taking screen shots, being in first person is probably my favorite thing about skyrim (well the whole tes series being a first person open world rpg)
It really ruined vampire lords and were wolfs being forced 3rd person, couldn't enjoy playing those two transformations
1st person all the way.
I pop in and out into 3rd just to have a look at how my character looks while
walking but only for a second. 1st person al the way.
Well for me, combat in 1st, exploration in 3rd. Not that anyone cares...
I knew it!
I use both, because like Sammy Hagar says, "I want the"
I bounce back and forth, when simply traveling I'll leave it in third person. Even when engaged in battle I'll leave it in third person, but when I use archery I prefer to be in first person. Makes it easier to judge shots ( for me ). Tis the FPS side of this gamer and I find that while in third person your shots are a little off, a little to the right and a little high but first person is pretty much spot on the crosshairs when at mid range. Exploring tight quarters as well forces me into first person, there's really no good camera position for tight spaces.
But when enjoying the vast beauty of open Skyrim, I enjoy to soak up the epicness in third person. The views tend to be grander, you have a better panoramic view as you go about your business.
1st person mainly but 3rd person for mounted combat, some finishers and for most of the screenshots.
i always play in 3rd person unless im dungeon crawling with a bow. then i use 1st person for aiming purposes. otherwise i dont use 1st person at all ever because it makes me motion sick. some games make me sicker than others. it depends on how smooth the camera movement is and how fast it is and prolly framerate too. but i get seasick easy ...i cant even ride in the backseat of a car.. and its because of this that i almost never play any games that are totally 1st person only and when i do its because its a game that is epic or classic that i need to experience it for the sake of experience and klnowledge int he field and even then i do so in half hour intervals so i dont get too sick from it. if i try to take motion sickness pills that helps a lot but it also makes me pass out so its pointless to take the pills. this is one reason why i love bethesdas TES series so much...i have the perfect combination of options for POV.
Combat looks horrible in first person especially with a two handed weapon. Also running while dual wielding looks badass in third person.
I'm not a fan of floating hands. I prefer seeing the whole action.
Both for me.
I used to play almost exlusively in first person, but have been playing with third person a bit and have liked it. For some reason, fighting with a two handed weapon is much easier in third person, possibly because it helps to be mobile. Aiming with a bow is easier for me in first person, as well as trying to target specific items/npcs.
Sometimes, I like to see my character (third person view), while other times, I like to see the game through my character's eyes (first person). I guess it comes down to my preference at that point in time.
First person for the vast majority of the game. Third only to look at a new suit of armor or for some cut-scenes.