Which do you use?
3rd person for vanity, AND sometimes exploration
I play in 3rd-person. As a roleplayer I make a distinction between player and character. I am not my character. I do not want to see the world through my character's eyes.
Mostly 3rd. I go into 1st for using magic and bows or when looting in caves and dark areas where its hard to see and/or target things I want to pick up. Rest of the time is spent in 3rd generally speaking.
Pretty much this. Though I have slowly been gravitating to 3rd person in combat as well.
Depends on the character really. However, I play in 3rd for the most part. Only going into 1st for getting close while looking for a cherry or something. I play in first when using a Bow. My current character is a level 40 archer and has killed all but one enemy with her bow. So, a good 50% of this playthrough has been in 1st.
I didn't vote because I use both and the choices are only 1st or 3rd and 2 that don't make any sense whatsoever.
EDIT : I voted for both.
Usually 1st person, but I often change to 3rd when travelling. I noticed that I used 3rd person more often when I was playing melee characters, it might have something to do with field of view.
Whoa it already took the lead, I am awesome!
Me too.
I like the "wide angle" view of 3rd person, get to see a bit more.
I used to play nothing but 1st person but now I switch it up often.
Third person is actually pretty good in this game compared to Bethesda's past titles.
This: "Or you're a Khajiit and everything you do or say is in the 3rd person" made me cackle.
As a roleplayer, primarily first person. When I'm feeling a little vain though... 3rd person, mostly in towns.
1st person when I fight, but I like to explore/talk in 3rd person. Feels more immersive IMHO.
I usually play in First Person, but when I'm scaling mountains or fighting wolves/skeevers I go into 3rd person.