I know for a fact my first character will be what I call a "generic barbarian Nord". Since I'm playing dead is dead, I wanna just whip up a generic barbarian type who I'm not likely to get too attached to. His name will be
Blade & Bone...Speak to Me!, although I may have to just shorten this to "Blade & Bone".
I anticipate he'll die early, although it sounds like those Quakecon reviewers had an easy time early on in their games. I don't recall any of them dying when they got to play for that hour. :shrug:
I have no idea what my second character will be at all, which is a beautiful thing. I like mystery. I will do these 2 characters one after the other, most likely, although who knows what'll really happen?
Two or more at the same time? Wow, that's something I even never considered. :blink:
Doesn't that get confusing and/or boring?
Heh ha, I currently have 4 active characters in Oblivion, although I've really only been focusing on 1 of them over the last month. Yes it gets confusing, but never boring.