1st Dragon Kill

Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:51 pm

Well after reading all the bad things about this game I guess i am just lucky..switched on me Xbox 360 ajusted my charicter and played, just a mage in mages robes but last night Killed my first Dragon, to prove to the Barmaid I was the dragonborn, mind you she is an awsome dude, turns out shes a Blade?? a forgotten sect.. any way I died first attempt but that was becuase I spent all my power trying to kill the ressurector...lol instead of the one about to come out the ground..lol and now i know what a burail ground looks like i know where another one lies..!Cos i was jumping up and down on one earlier on my way to riverswood not knowing what it was...and thats where an amazing site befell me. I was in stealth mode following the river at the base of a mountain keeping he mountain to my left a truly wilderness feeling when ..out of the corner of my eye a movement...and there they were two of them..huge wooley Mammoths just wondering..what a game..Oh and guys DONT play this game in the dark with headphones.on Cos when the wife taps you on the shoulder to tell you it's late...you scream like a big girl...lol...well i did anywhy..
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