Its dirt cheap these days, and they sell it bundled with all of the DLC expansions. It would make a good game to play until November.
I picked it up a copy two months ago at Wal*Mart for under $30.
The price isn't a problem, it's the amount of fun I wouldn't be having playing it.
With Morrowind, I knew absolutely NOTHING about what I was in for, and that's a huge part of what made it exciting. What kept me interested was just the sheer depth of everything. Granted, I quit for five years, but converting to PC and the resulting access to mods not only rekindled my love of the game, but heightened it exponentially. No other game ever made comes close.
I know way too much about Oblivion, too much for it to be fun for me. Sure, there's a plethora of mods that fix everything I could possibly hate about it, but just the fact that I need any of them is, well... let's just say Morrowind's flaws are more excusable to me.
This is why I really, really, need for Skyrim to be better than Morrowind. I have some idea of what I'm in for, and while my expectations are hardly low, they're definitely a lot more realistic than they were with Oblivion. I'm sure there will be at least one creative decision that makes me mad, but thus far, my main issues with the last game have already been addressed to my satisfaction in Skyrim.