traditionally i always used 1st person. If the animations are good enough Ill try and stick with 3rd person. personally ive always found 1st person melee combat to be fairly unintuitive. I place this on the fact that in real life you have a mental image/understanding of the space around you, partly because of your senses other than sight. lacking those senses in a videogame, i find 1st person melee to be a more limited understanding of space. It was never that important before because the combat in the previous games was kind of meh. since they seem intent on ramping up the combat, and the animations, i have high hopes for the game being exciting from both perspectives.
I feel much the same way.
I use 3rd person as much as I can in games, mostly because 1st person always feels like I'm wearing blinders. You really can't tell what's on your left or your right unless you're constantly swinging the camera view around.
In computer games, simulating combat is very imperfect, obviously, but you're missing a lot of senses which would be available in real life-- the rush of footsteps to your side, movement out of the corner of your eye, a shadow or sudden glint of steel. To me, the 3rd person perspective kind of helps with that.
Unless you're constantly flinging the camera back and forth, you lose all of your side vision and what's above and below you in 1st. Any sort of jumping, walking across treacherously placed logs, etc., becomes almost impossible.
3rd person for me helps to really represent all of the senses and scope of vision I would have in real life, as opposed to some very narrow field of view with two disembodied hands floating about.