This feature is necessary. There is no try.
And I'm terribly sorry to be the one guy who has to drop the bomb about female gamers not wanting to look down at cleavage, but that it is utterly hypocritical.
If there is body control and briast size control, you can very easily dial it down to suit your needs. Or, heaven forbid, play a male avatar. And if you insist on playing a female with large to understand and accept that...women have briasts?! Ask yourself: why are you playing a busty female if you don't want to see that she is busty? Presumably, if you are playing a female main character in Skyrim you will do your fair share of fighting regardless of your archetypal focus, do you think Jeanne D'Arc, Queen Boudicca or Princess Pingyang ever worried about that kinda stuff? Also, this is Skyrim, a cold place, I doubt you'll be finding too many low-cut halter tops or sixy lingerie lying around. You will see cloth, or fur, or leather, or metal of some kind. It may ever so slightly conform to the female figure (although I would hope Bethesda has grown out of that by this iteration from an armor standpoint, and into it from a clothing standpoint) but regardless, I guarantee that bare female flesh will be rare in a combat scenario. And if you're enjoying a pint of mead in a local tavern, wearing a skimpy frock, then clearly you don't have your priorities are Dovakhiin, not some flaggon-swilling floosie! :foodndrink:
Be proud ladies, don't let your briasts get in the way of a necessary and immersive game feature.
1. I want an option of playing a busty female because I am one in reality, it's as simple as that. I found that if I don't "connect" with female characters that spot a "sporty girl" look.
2. I like seeing my character in 3rd person, and have no problem with her figure, actually I enjoy dressing up an such.
3. Jeanne D'Arc, Queen Boudicca or Princess Pingyang did not play video games, they lived in the situation. Having bests and seeing them when I look down does not bother me in a slightest in real live - I love my body and have no problem with it, what I have a problem with is bunch of polygons obscuring my view.
Classic example of bad and good body awareness:
Anything distracting here?
Arma2 again, which supports freelook:
And naturally, Farcry 2 healing anims:
That armr 2 is another example why I would not want it - every time you look down more than half of your screen is obscured by your "body", it seams it's bad enough even without the briasts in the way. If I want my veiew of the world to include my character I'll just switch to 3rd person.
Farcry 2 healing anims are a riot

I mean how immersive it is to dig a huge piece of metal out of your stomach , or popping you fut right back and go running like nothing has happened?

At last with non visible magical healing I can imagine some kind of regeneration process, my character actually being in pain and magic lifting it and so on, I certainly would stop treating the game seriously if I so a "healing" like that