» Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:06 am
Fallout is set in a post nuclear war setting, so you wanted ruins and destruction, however not to much ruins, in reality Washington DC would be knocked totally flat, the ruins outside the city centre however look pretty realistic. They wanted ruins inside the city to make it better, no issue with it, just make the big nuke miss its target or fail to go off.
However the 200 years would not leave much left even less at lots of buildings has been damaged. First you would get lots of forest who would grow up and do a lot of damage, rain and storm would damage even more. Even without forest and rain, assume the area become very dry you would get far more breakdown, all wood and most metal would disappear.
Now add people and animals searching the ruins for 200 years.
Like it’s now it looks like you came out a couple of month after the bombs fell. And it’s give the correct post apocalyptic feeling.
The landscape in Oblivion would actually be more realistic, new towns have grown up, and they don’t use scavenged planes as buildings, or live in aircraft carriers but might use part of them. Landscape would mostly be forest with some ruins, bunkers and subway tunnels, all except a few would be cleared out and have new users. It would however not feel right.