Couple of things to consider.
They have plenty of lasers laying around.
So say you were in a large centrally located skyscraqer with plenty of computing power, then it would be fairly easy to take wornout laser rifle emitters and use them to create a point to point laser link communication system using your skyscraqer as the hub.
Bulky as hell but once they were in place they would require little maintenance.
Basically any where you could see from the top of the tower, you could have a direct communication link to.
Of course MIT would offer this from the goodness of their hearts and would never monitor any of the conversations.
You could even set up links to places fairly far away provide you put their laser links up high.
It should work except in the worse weather conditions and it wouldn't take much to create a mini internet provided MIT would allow access to their mainframes and they had the surplus processing power.
Now if MIT can produce Synths that are indistinguishable from humans, even if they had to basically be hand crafted by teams of Synths and MIT personal rather than being mass produced....
Well it implies a certain level of technology base that should be able to maintain and expand their computer mainframes.
On the other hand, if MIT was producing good reliable radios which are childs play to synths and mainframes, then that may be all the Boston Wasteland really needs at this point.
Of course with MIT able to manufacturer their own work force to feed, protect, and support them, they may have turned isolationist and only share enough technology to keep the surrounding communities happy and able to produce enough of a surplus to feed the MIT infrastructure.