Wow, thanks to everyone who has been voting Mechanical Hearted Menace. Im really flattered to see me name mentioned, and the amount of votes here shows that ( against my previous belief ) it actually left some amount of impression. Perhaps a remake is need...although this time with better hosting and a little more caution regarding certain giant mechanical squids

Now, as for my votes. Please understand that I am an absent minded creature and cannot recall some of the earlier RP's. The year has gone fast for me.
Best RP of 2009 (RP's created before 2009 excluded): You know what? My memory fails me, but Im going to go ahead and say
What Lies Beneath by Chriso. It was shaping up so well, and it looked like the next
Cave, but died Kudos to you me man. Just goes to show though, the simpler plots...if done well, can be the best.
Best Ongoing RP (RP's created before 2009 allowed):
The ImmortalBlood Timeline ~ ImmortalBlood. Really the only contender in this category.
Most innovative RP 2009 (RP's created before 2009 excluded): The Black Plague of Black Marsh ~ Solidor. A recent entry, but nontheless. This RP looked to be so much more then a standard zombie hack and slash. The unique setting and survival-based action really would of made it in a league of its own...but alarmingly it died despite the enthusiasm seen in the idea thread. A real shame to me, it looked to be so good.
Most Improved RPer of 2009: n/a
Best Character in a Roleplay 2009: Dont take this as shameless self-endorsemant, but I would have to say Solidors
Almerion in my own Mechanical Hearted Menace. An example of how to RP vampire right, his posts were a joy to read...and it thoroughly enjoyed responding to them.
Best Overall Roleplayer of 2009: Im going to go ahead and say
FC4. I have never seen an RP'er last as long as he, and write so well. Each post of his seems to have a genuine care to it, and I have seen him in many RP's prior to my even joining the boards. This is a forum Old-Dog, but always with new tricks