My 2010-2011 Character

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:53 pm

Since I now have college and work to balance around gaming, Im probably going to be doing less and thus taking longer to play oblivion. So Im designing a character that I will use for the 2010-2011 academic calendar. For now just toss your ideas my way. Ill probably make a composite of all of them.
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:36 am

Khajiit skooma smuggler, if you have shivering isles installed you could smuggle greenmote or felldew.
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michael danso
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:24 am

Khajiit skooma smuggler, if you have shivering isles installed you could smuggle greenmote or felldew.

A couple of hang ups:

1. Im allergic to felines, would be really hard for me to get into playing a khajiit.
2. I prefer "good" characters.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:24 am

A couple of hang ups:

1. Im allergic to felines, would be really hard for me to get into playing a khajiit.
2. I prefer "good" characters.

imperial guard.----have a set of armour from each cities guard, wear it when you visit the associated town. do quests that are given by the count/ess of each town or quests that would benefit the town. do little quests in the wilderness. (Retrieving jumbo potatoes, rumare slaughterfish slaughter).
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:47 am

imperial guard.----have a set of armour from each cities guard, wear it when you visit the associated town. do quests that are given by the count/ess of each town or quests that would benefit the town. do little quests in the wilderness. (Retrieving jumbo potatoes, rumare slaughterfish slaughter).

I usually wind up doing something like that. lol

I think I am set on the Imperial Race.

Having a hard time picking between Blade Blunt and Hand to Hand, because I like all 3 but know that using all 3 as majors is a bad idea... may go with hand to hand.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:52 pm

it depends if you're going to 'efficient level'. I don't do that so my major skills are things that I will use a lot.
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:25 am

it depends if you're going to 'efficient level'. I don't do that so my major skills are things that I will use a lot.

I dont efficient level, I try to pick my most used skills as majors, but the problem is that I really do play incredibly balanced, its hard to name my top 7. I think I have several hard decisions I cant seem to make up my mind on... lemme see if I can skeleton out my character...
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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:49 am

Right now just going with a pure Mage Altmer with Atronach is sounding pretty good, but Im not sure its what I want. Keep firing away.
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carrie roche
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:13 am

Right now just going with a pure Mage Altmer with Atronach is sounding pretty good, but Im not sure its what I want. Keep firing away.

how about a high speed merchant/hunter, collect furs, have a high speed level, speed around making money.

or, a scholar (like my char) explore the world and collect any rare treasures and books to display in your house. complete all of the daedric shrine quests. (hermaes mora requires you to be a certain distance through the main quest so I've missed that one out) all good scholars have a magical talent so your altmer mage fits.
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Big Homie
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:10 am

Howabout a bounty hunter, but the good kind that goes after criminals. You could perhaps relate this to the Imperial Guard.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:56 am

Female Dunmer hand-to-hander, no armor, sign of The Lord.
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:36 am

Kinda onto something now:

Atronach/Lady/Steed/Thief (Undecided)
Endurance, Strength
Blade/Blunt (Undecided)

Help me decide on those 2 things.
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:09 am

I have to ask ... (sorry if I offend) ... are you playing a male or female character? Are you on console or PC? Mods?

If female, I prefer the Blade/Steed combo. The katana's are faster blades (even if you're on a console, you can get several by delivering Martin to Cloud Ruler) and the increased speed would make those blades lethal.

If male, and you're going for a blademaster kind of thing, maybe use blade/steed, too.

The atronach is my favorite sign, but not without switching armorer for alchemy, so you can get the flax seeds + steel blue entoloma caps restore magicka potions.

How far are you going with the roleplay? Do you still want suggestions?

~ Dani ~
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:10 am

Become a detective and sniff out the thieves guild, this character believes in law and order and uses words over force. Get n the good side of each count and the councilor and hunt down the grey fox. Blade would be preferable if your not set on another roleplay,
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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:48 am

Going with scholar.

If you're on PC, get to write notes or something down, depending on how far into the role-play you want to go.
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:28 am

Male character most likely, and PS3 console. Knights of the Nine but no shivering isles.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:54 am

I would think that with shorter playing sessions, broken up by large amounts of 'other', you would be best served by an uncomplicated character that could still handle a road trip or dungeon dive. For me, that spells 'Mage' with a ready made profession (Alchemy), sufficient fighting power (spells and poisons) and a built-in reason to travel and see the world (foraging for Alchemy ingredients.)
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Michael Russ
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:33 am

Male character most likely, and PS3 console. Knights of the Nine but no shivering isles.

Okay, since you're playing a male, Imperial: maybe a blunt with the Steed to help compensate for slow weapon speed. The thing about most two-handed blunt weapons is, at lower levels, one or two hits and your enemy is dead.

With your setup you could go with a Knight or just a hardy member of the Legion. You could roleplay:

1. You a secret member of the Blades and you're on assignment with the Legion to root out Mythic Dawn infiltrators. You do your duty, helping others, but you suspect everyone. You don't know who you can trust, especially not that soft-spoken, come-out-of-nowhere bastard son of the Emperor. So ... weak. So ... undisciplined. But you're a Blade and so you do your duty. In the end, when Martin dies, maybe you've come to respect him a bit, and can't help wondering what the Empire would be like ... had he lived.

2. You're the younger brother of a one of the Kvatch guards. You're the one who got all the benefits. He went to work, you went to the Arcane University. He risked his life, you relished yours. His life was sacrifice; your was a study in excess. One night, after a drunken night of college extravagance, you're thrown in jail - where, lo and behold, you meet the Emperor. He helps you; you help him, and when you leave the sewer, you slyly consider just how much the amulet might bring you. After all, rent's due and those ales won't buy themselves. Then word comes: Kvatch is under siege. All too late, you rush to do your duty, only to discover that your brother ... is dead. This is the watershed moment in your life, from which you vow to live up to your brother's example - and take vengeance on the daedra that killed him!

:) ... or not.

~ Dani ~
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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:48 am

What are yall thoughts on Hand to Hand, Blade, and Blunt?
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Del Arte
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:37 am

a wood elf assassin/murderer haha
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:22 am

Endurance, Strength

Thats what Imma go with. Ill post up a full story later. Gotta go watch Criminal Minds (Reid is a BEAST)
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Maria Leon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:20 pm

Amendment. THis is what I got:

Endurance, Strength

Still thinking about a story but the character is set.
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Brentleah Jeffs
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