Its a distraction, they would have to take time to make the port taking away from any DLC.Then Nintendo might feel entitled to any future TES or FO game, which again will only take away form the full version.
You can be sure that if Nintendo's new system is as hardcoe as the Xbox or Ps then there will be a Fallout 4 on it. It will need to have a real controller though. No motion controls.
Porting it over to the console and making it utilize the new tech (motion, touch screen, whatever else) would take a lot of effort on the part of Bethesda. It also probably wouldn't get them much revenue, since most people who are interested in Skyrim already own one of the other 3 natively compatible platforms.
I forget, is E3 still an industry-only event, or is the public allowed? Like, for example, would an admin of the Elder Scrolls lore site be able to get in? :spotted owl:
Still an industry only event. BUT. Someone who works at say... gamestop can pay $500 to get in. I guess that if you are affiliated in the industry then you can pay to get in. But I don't know about a website admin. You can be sure that Bethesda wouldnt let you into their closed booth though