
The chat is pretty annoying...I might just end up watching it on Spike TV.
In the interest of not being let down after a big build up, I think we should all prepare for the following:
- The demo only featuring the "Dovahkiin" guy (i.e.: standard Nord/Imperial sword and shield guy)
- No reveals of Argonians, Dunmer, or other races (We've seen Nord, possibly Imperial, Khajiit, Orc)
- No dragon battles (Maybe they want to save that for a big reveal later?)
- No third person reveal
- No big dialogue/radiant AI reveal
- No inventory reveal
- No armor reveal
Of course, all these things could happen. Or some of them. I'm just saying - these are some of the things we really want to know about, and they could very well choose to keep many, if not all of them, secret. And the demo could be very straight forward, some combat with dual-wielding, some walking around and looking at how detailed the world is (they seem to be very proud of the level of detail), etc.
And of course, the demo could be extremely bare-bones and I would still drool all over my office desk.