Okay so at the end of Crysis 2 Prophet is all like "We have to go back, back where we're needed." to Alcatraz. So I figured Crysis 3 would follow them to that "place". But? No, it's taking place 20 **** years later and in the same city. What the hell dude? Did you just forget Crysis 2 ending? Are we going to get a dlc or expansion that take place in the 20 years gap? If we get some kind of explanations in Crysis 3, I think it will be incredibly stupid and a cheap cop out.
Also, in the e3 demo, I hear Prophet talking through Alcatraz suit like it's his own body. And I have to wonder, did Prophet mind jacked the crap out of Alcatraz?
That's the two things I'm EXTREMELY confused about Crysis 3. Other than that, the game looks pretty fun.