Thanks I appreciate the info, I knew about rl usage of the cal. but in game originally it was used by the "that gun", but till I got on live it had never shown up in my game and that is what had confused me, musta been a specific glitch to my game ??? weird ,.... once again tks ,...... no more sleepless night for me lol
When you went on live, it probably updated to the most recent patch. In this patch Josh changed how vednors stock some of the ammo, .223 being one of them. You used to only find it in the vednors' "misc" section, and have to buy it by the box, but it is now in the "ammo" section, where you can buy it a cartridge at a time. I don't think I ever saw ammo drops, from either enemies or loot, give you .223, so unless you bought boxes of the stuff from the vendors that sell it, you wouldn't have seen it in the game at all.
-Gunny out.