i cant change from xbox 360 controller mode back to keyboard because i dont have a 360 controller so my keyboard dosnt work, so my game is broken and unplayable
i cant change from xbox 360 controller mode back to keyboard because i dont have a 360 controller so my keyboard dosnt work, so my game is broken and unplayable
Have you tried editing the SkyrimPrefs.ini in My Documents\My Games\Skyrim? There's a bGamepadEnable setting that's 1 for enabled and 0 for disabled. Just change the 1 to a 0 and save the file.
The game will automatically switch from controller to keyboard/mouse by just turning the controller on and off. I use a controller all the time and when the battery runs down and the controller shuts off, it goes into keyboard/mouse mode.
OP doesn't have a controller to turn off, though.
Not to be goofy... borrow a controller or buy one and then turn it off and return it. I switch from Controller to keyboard all the time... some of the animation's I use won't work with the controller and need specific key's touched to work.... I go back and forth.
And also not to be goofy, but I think I'd try editing the INI first.