It′s kinda bad though that they have to make it work on the 360 as well as on the PS3 and PC, really in pools on this site when there are questions such as "What platform will you play Skyrim on ? X-Box 360 is usually hovering around 25% and the PC at 62% with the PS3 admittedly getting less votes but claiming the remaining 13%
This is based on the thread that was here the other day with nearly the same name as my example was BTW.
I guess 25% is oki though.....
Remember. This is an internet forum. Odds are, most of the people reading & posting are PC users. This'll give a bias in that poll towards people who'll get it for the PC.
As for the main topic - yeah, I'm sure it'll run fine on 360. As the years go by, programmers figure out how to get more out of console systems - since the hardware doesn't change, they can really figure out the quirks and learn more efficient programming. (Compare launch titles for any console you can think of - SNES, PS1, PS2, Xbox, etc) with the stuff that came out much later. A great deal of improvement occurs as people learn all the ins and outs of the systems.