If you are carrying Heavy Armour, don't carry anthing else. Only one sword and one shield.
Dont carry more than one sword, and shield or bow. mabye 5 potions, 10 food types.
When you go swimming, take all clothes off, remove all inventory and place them on the ground, (that includes, weapons, clothes, armour, food, potion, everything) you don't go swimming with anything but your bathing suit. If you are hunting to go fishing grab a sword pretend it's your fishing pole.
When using a potion, only use one potion every 30 seconds, minimum 10 seconds if you say they are small bottles
Walk, don't run everywhere you go.
Sleep every 8 hours, unless you take a restore fatique potion every hour. (at full fatiuge so you don't get the benfit of restored fatigue, magicka dosn't count, unless you make a spell named Keep me Awake spell, at maximum ability at your level.
Eat every 3-4 hours, unless you take restore health potion every hour (at full health so you don't get the benifit of restored healt, and magicka dosn't count.)
If you want to pretend you are sleeping but don't want to rent a room because of price, camp outside. Just hit the wait button for say 9-10 hours. 8 hours for sleeping, and 1 hour for preparing your camp and eating, and 1 hour to take down your camp. This way you can say you are camping outside in the wilderness for rest.
After combat, and your wounds are say 25%, you rest for a full 24 hours doing nothing. Use the wait button for this. If more than 50% say 3 days, and if down to 1hp, say 2 weeks of resting of doing nothing but hitting the wait button. This is your body healing. Magika can only do so much, body needs to heal properly.