I have a Cosmo Black 3DS pre-ordered, but no games right now. I will however be picking up Radiant Historia, Okamiden, Dragon Quest VI and a bunch of other DS games I've missed. I might look into Samurai Warriors, but I've learned my lesson picking up a bunch of mediocre launch titles just to have something to play. Original DS games will be more than enough to hold me over until Kid Icarus, Ocarina of Time, Star Fox, etc. start coming out.
I might buy one when there are games available for it that interest me. But I don't really expect it to happen anytime soon, as it took about 5 years until I bought a DS (which still will be used this year with Ghost Trick, Okamiden,
Radiant Historia and Dragon Quest V (not VI

Mega Man Legends 3 is interesting though, but I refuse to buy a machine for just one game, it has to offer more than that

I've been really enjoying Radiant Historia. It's been fun so far and the music, art style, and story just make it even better.
As for getting a 3DS. I won't be getting one anytime soon since i'm poor, but i'll get one eventually. I like Nintendo's handhelds and it looks like this one will have some amazing games down the line. Also, I want to play Ocarina of Time in 3D. :laugh: