I think I may be the one who is likely be shunned upon here...because I love playing in 3rd person!
Unlike many people here claimed, I found that 3rd POV doesn't break the immersion for me. Perhaps it's related to the way I play this game: I don't pretend I AM the character.
For me my character is like an action figure, so there's no point in not being able to see the whole of it. I want to admire every aspect of him, the motion, the appearance and such.
Another thing of 1st person view that I dislike is, when you look down to the ground, you cannot see your body and feet. For me it's a even bigger immersion breaker.
One thing Bethesda did right is improving 3rd POV in Skyim. I still remember how it feels in Oblivion, it was totally unplayable.