I am having difficulty setting these three things up. I had the 4gb patch working with nvse and then I added the midrahstic enb and I followed the instructions the best I could with this http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55061/? but I can't figure it out.
My Game works with the enb and nvse with the nvse loader and weirdly enough they both work when I just use the regular fonv launcher. But when I use the 4gb launcher which is supposed to launch nvse the enb doesn't kick in.
So I am now playing without the 4gb patch. I am using the wrapper edition of the enb and everything is in the correct folders... however I want the 4gb patch to work.
I am using a legal disk version with steam
Intel? Core? i7-960 Processor
EVGA GeForce GTX 670 SuperClocked
GX 750W
Vengeance? Pro Series — 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3 DRAM 1600MHz C9 Memory Kit
Seagate Backup Plus 5TB USB 3.0 Desktop External Hard Drive