Just tried it and it does seem to increase my FPS a little. Neat!
Maybe placebo, maybe not. I don't think it should affect framerate, since it only allows Morrowind to load more before crashing with a memory exception, but who am I to judge the CPU gods?
Thanks for the quick reply - sounds like I should install it to avoid crashes but I shouldn't expect any substantial fps increases. With the increase in ram usage, should I change the morrowind.ini file to load more cells? Any setting recommendations?
Second question re mge - safe to increase quality settings and draw distance without affecting fps?
It isn't so much an increase in RAM usage as it is an increase in maximum RAM capacity; where before 2gb was the limit, now Morrowind can address up to 4gb, but it won't suddenly start using more just because it can. It just won't crash at 2gb usage.
I wouldn't necessarily recommend it, but the excess addressing capacity does allow me to generate distant statics from a minimum of zero and not crash (though it is a little bit slow sometimes, so I also have a custom exception list that sorts out a few things and makes sure all trees are very_far).
For Morrowind.ini settings, I can't comment on potential changes; I keep that at stock values because I run Morrowind from an Intel SSD which loads cells without much noticeable delay. Thus, buffering more cells isn't that big of a deal to me. Theoretically you could buffer more I suppose, but the memory used will go up rapidly (1 cell -> 9 cells -> 23 cells...).
I thought it only worked for Oblivion. Cool. I'll try it out.
Nope, this is a generic program. According to the author it should be able to patch pretty much all x86 programs. Note that the resulting file isn't the same as a native 64-bit program -- it is simply a LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE 32-bit program.