I think the Vietnam anology deserves some credit; it's quite apt in a social context.
That bit of script suggests that, like Vietnam, the legacy of the Concordat of White-Gold is a populace burdened by a sense of wounded pride, and feelings of betrayal and distrust toward those at the top. Perhaps this marks a major turn in popular perception of the Empire: concessions to the Dominion, stomping out Talos worship -- the Empire is not as strong as it once was, or once seemed. It might even be out of step with its own mythic project. Cataclysmic shifts in the form of mannish government are on the horizon, and the first rumblings might be apparent in TES V. Calling on Jurassic Park for illumination, these are the ripples in the puddle before the angry tyrannosaurus bursts on the scene to chase down your fancy jeep.
That's my anolysis, anyway.

I hope it's not too trite or elementary, but I thought it was a potentially fruitful/interesting avenue of discussion.