Some may think "Oh that's great, there's so much to do! Cool!!!"... I think "Eh... great, more risk for the world to feel extremely cramped up like Oblivion or even worse."
Some may think "Oh that's great, there's so much to do! Cool!!!"... I think "Eh... great, more risk for the world to feel extremely cramped up like Oblivion or even worse."
This. The world will be the same size as Oblivion, combine this with the 150+ dungeons there are in Skyrim. You won't be able to walk a few metres without stumbling upon something.
If there is truly 300+ hours like Todd is saying, then that number seems pretty reasonable, if you spend about half an hour exploring each poi, that is a couple hundred hours right there. Sounds good to me.
This. The world will be the same size as Oblivion, combine this with the 150+ dungeons there are in Skyrim. You won't be able to walk a few metres without stumbling upon something.
lets just hope theyre better hidden and doesnt appear on the compass atleast the last thing will help alot
This. The world will be the same size as Oblivion, combine this with the 150+ dungeons there are in Skyrim. You won't be able to walk a few metres without stumbling upon something.
I think the 150+ dungeons are part of the 500 POI, even so it's still an amazing number.
"Points of interest are these special mini encounters." Todd Howard explains, "it might just be an alter with some necromancers around it [for example.]"
Some may think "Oh that's great, there's so much to do! Cool!!!"... I think "Eh... great, more risk for the world to feel extremely cramped up like Oblivion or even worse."
Really, it can't or shouldn't get any worse than that. If there's random encounters too, world changing events will happen every stroll the length of a football field. :laugh:
This. The world will be the same size as Oblivion, combine this with the 150+ dungeons there are in Skyrim. You won't be able to walk a few metres without stumbling upon something.
Remember the land is mountainis. If we flaten it out we may have 50 miles of land. I do not know if your right but sixy avatar. lol