OOC: @ Ghostpaw, is it okay that I assumed Lorenzo was near me at the end of the post? If not I'll change it

Lorenzo surveyed the vista before him as they trudged along, taking a breath of fresh air that was only a little tainted with the acrid stench of battle. You were right, mum. The old country was indeed beautiful. He shuddered to think what would happen to it all as the war dragged on. Suddenly wishing to take his mind off the view, he looked around at the other men in the company. They were all spread out in a horizontal line, walking steadily toward the battle ahead. One in particular caught his attention and he moseyed over to walk next to him.
"How ya doin' Scipii?" Lorenzo asked awkwardly, he suddenly felt very uncomfortable and decided not to wait for a response before continuing. "Er, um, well?" He took a deep breath and felt himself calm a little. He wasn't good at sentimental stuff but felt he had an obligation, so he tried again, chuckling nervously, "Ha, ha, Let me try that again, ahem," He cleared his throat.
"When I was a boy, about twelve maybe, me mum was working as sort of nurse o' the manor. One of me stepdad's guards was mauled, badly by a minotaur, now when was the last time ya seen one o' those bastards?" He paused, gathering his thoughts and clearing his throat again. "Anyway, she was treating the guy in one of the manor's upper rooms and I made the mistake of wandering by as she was walking out. 'C'mere, boy!' she said when she saw me. I remember the apron she was wearing was covered in the man's blood and I really didn't want to 'c'mere'." He was silent for another moment, checking his gun to make sure it was ready to fire incase they suddenly found themselves in battle.
"Well needless to say, me mum had put the fear o' the gods in me long ago and I knew that the consequences for dawdling would be far worse than whatever she already had in store, or so I thought," he cast Nathan a sidelong glance to see if he was listening before continuing. "So, she leads me into the room where the man's layin' on a table, he's lookin' a sight too: He's pale, covered in sweat and blood, and his breathin's' ragged, quick and shallow. I froze at the sight of him, and then, mum left the room. Just left me there with the dyin' man. I freaked out for a minute, just starin' at the poor guy with me stupid twelve-year-old self. He looked right back at me too, and suddenly I knew what mum wanted me to do." Lorenzo coughed this time when he paused, hocked up some phlegm and spat on the ground.
"So I walks up to the table," He continued, wiping spittle off his mouth with the back of his sleeve, "And I sit down at the chair next to the man, and I'm scared as hell but I'm trying not to let it show. The man's breathing slows, and he seems to calm down while he's lookin' at me and then he looks away, closes his eyes and goes to sleep." Lorenzo looked ahead to the scene before them for a moment, "He died right there, within the hour, while I was with him and I learned two things that day. First: that me mum was bat [censored] crazy for puttin' her own bloody kid through that!" He laughed aloud at that, letting his mirth fade to a smile and then to a sober expression again, "And second: being there with someone at the end, even if they don't know ya, is okay. Because dyin' alone is the worst thing that can happen to a person." Lorenzo laid a hand on Nathan's shoulder, patting him gently on the back with a brief and knowing smile, which faltered quickly as they marched along.
He turned his head in curiosity when someone called out that there was a casualty, but the call had been directed at the Centurion, not him, so he just looked in that direction as he continued walking next to Nathan Scipii.
Nathan spat once more, and glanced sideways as the medic, Lorenzo he beleieved, walked up next to him, offering him an awkwards greeting. Nathan nodded, and looked forwards again, musket bouncing on his shoulder, primed and ready for a shot at first moments notice, though the matchcord was held in his hand, safely away form the pan.
He listened vaguely as the man started again on a greeting, and Nathan smiled but remained silent as the man began a story out of nowhere, and he truly had no idea what he was talking about at first, though he listened anyways, figuring it would take his mind off the mass of white coats in front of him. He smiled weakly as the man told him about having the [censored] scared out of him by the experience, but as he drew to the end, Nathan came to realize what it had to be about, and his mind wandered back to the dying man's eyes. So sad and cold, nothing but want to be back home with people who loved him.
Lorenzo came to the end of his story, and gave Nathan a pat on the back, and the young man smiled and returned the pat with a slap on the shoulder, a small smile on his face, and a slight nod of appreciation to the man. He said nothing however, as he began thinking of the upcoming battle, and how it might soon be him lying on the ground, dying, away from the ones he loved. He didn't want to think that he might never see his beloved Marielle again, and his stomach dropped as he thought of the child she bore.
He felt weak all of a sudden, and a feeling of sickness came over him, caused by the fear of the upcoming conflict, and all of the thoughts that rushed through his head, reeling him. He was grateful for the halt, and his shaking hands went straight for the bottle of brown liquid in his snapsack, as he downed nearly half of it in one go, feeling the burn all down his throat, warming him and numbing him.
He kneeled in silence for a few seconds, muttering prayers to Arkay, hoping his diety would not choose to end his life cycle this day, and to Talos to guide him and give him strength. His head snapped up as the galloping of hooves was heard very close, and he looked up to see a inportant looking man, though he did not know his name.
He couldn't hear exactly what he was saying, but he herad the Centurion good enough when he called out for a march, leading them into the fray. The banners were unfurled, and they seemed to give him a small ray of hope, and as the music started, he began his march with the rest.
he gave a look over at Lorenzo, patting him on the shoulder. "Grace of the Nine be with you friend." he said, smiling at what he though could be a new friend. Perhaps the last friend he ever saw.