You obviously dont understand. I could not give two **** about Crytek's vision, I want me and all my friends to be able to play together and enjoy a game. Clans do not give two **** about the "company vision", if that is conflicting with their needs to function correctly. Is that too much to ask from people that have spent thousands of dollars on past titles? I do not give a **** if the game is more popular to other people, me and my friends want to be able to play the game with each other and not be handicapped by some stupid number restriction.
It seems like you have never been in a true clan before, so you really do not seem to understand the severe issues 6on6 has on these groups.

I never been in a true clan? No thats wrong. Since we play using games WITH these limitations, we work WITH it to make it come out as a positive outcome.
Also remember that Crysis is still there, that game that you guys adored IS still there.
Go play it, people still play Quake and CS Source. It just seems like the MP section of Crysis 2 is CLEARLY not for you.
I would like it if Crysis 2 could stay true to its roots so that fans of the original game could adore the sequel too. Otherwise, it is not worth calling it Crysis 2
Also I think Crytek UK working on the MP helped Crytek just make the Single Player how fans would want it.
At least its not all tainted meat to you.