6v6 Multiplayer...The Death Of PC Clans and Crysis ?

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:02 pm

Sorry Iceman but your thoughts making me rage. I, my clan and all the guys who still play Crysis online are the ones who bloody hold the game still alive even if its dieing its slow death. So I don′t understand where the hell you take your unbelievable insolence to think that your judgement is the right and the ones who are actually the really Crysisler are wrong.
As I said 6v6 isn′t bad, again playing a small map with 12 people is very funny. But, and thats the problem, the possibilities this game has are gone with that. You are forced to play 6v6 and thats the point that makes us old Crysisler quiet angry.
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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:32 am

Maybe tactical but not skill you die so fast the other player
does not get a chance to fight back its just about how fires first.
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Anna S
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:02 pm

Sorry Iceman but your thoughts making me rage. I, my clan and all the guys who still play Crysis online are the ones who bloody hold the game still alive even if its dieing its slow death. So I don′t understand where the hell you take your unbelievable insolence to think that your judgement is the right and the ones who are actually the really Crysisler are wrong.
As I said 6v6 isn′t bad, again playing a small map with 12 people is very funny. But, and thats the problem, the possibilities this game has are gone with that. You are forced to play 6v6 and thats the point that makes us old Crysisler quiet angry.
The way he is putting this is... well... let's say it can be said better. But his basic thoughts are right. Crysis MP had only few options and nearly no substance. Power Struggle is fun, yes. But still, the balance issues make the game unplayable. Users of a Scar or a VTOL were the best and Newcomers will never get any points. They go in, get killed in NO time about 10 times, and loose interests in the game. It's frustrating over time, and I want to play a game that doesn't frustrate me, but entertains me. And this just wasn't I felt when playing Wars.
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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:30 am

I've played my fair share of Crysis 1 MP and Crysis Wars. That is Power Struggle. I mean, that's it. That's basically what PS is all about, though in simplified manner, yes.

How can you possibly say that 6vs6 is wrong? How? There is absolutely no way you could know that it is wrong. Even if it was wrong, for that matter. And it's probably not.

Also, Crysis Wars didn't die because of the lack of support. It died because it was crap. That's why it died. It had no long-lasting appeal. It wasn't well though out. Next to none of its potential was used. That is why it died. NOT because it did or didn't have patches. The base game itself was fundamentally flawed to begin with. It was never a serious MP game. That is why.

People who believe otherwise are only fooling themselves.

The way he is putting this is... well... let's say it can be said better. But his basic thoughts are right. Crysis MP had only few options and nearly no substance. Power Struggle is fun, yes. But still, the balance issues make the game unplayable. Users of a Scar or a VTOL were the best and Newcomers will never get any points. They go in, get killed in NO time about 10 times, and loose interests in the game. It's frustrating over time, and I want to play a game that doesn't frustrate me, but entertains me. And this just wasn't I felt when playing Wars.

i agree with the second quote, the problem with this game is that it requires skill and knowing how to play the game, most ppl dont even bother to try more than a few days, they just blame the game in all of its aspects instead of trying to learn how to play and to get better
no wonder you (dj-iceman) say such things about the game, you quit after a week like many ppl do just cause you didnt even bothered to try and learn how the game works
also about TDM i can show you a few vids of ppl that dont even need a gun to kill nearby players
i do understand that you get a game to have fun and relax and maybe you dont want to waste your time with a very high learning curve, in that case you have games like cod where you just need to press either mouse button or E to get a lot of easy kills and keep you satisfied

second, the problem here is not saying that 6v6 is wrong, i think nobody said so, what is wrong is that no one can play 12v12 or 16v16 even if you want to cause crytek decided so without giving a **** about the PC community, even cod gives the ability to have more than 12 players on servers

also you say this type of game will be much more tactical, i really hope so but i have my doubts about it, its much more run and gun and usually the point goes to the one that saw the other first or the guy that likes to sit in a spot for as long as it needs till other ppl passes by and he can get an easy kill
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:56 pm

Maybe you don't know enough about how to play right in most popular shooters? Demolition mode in Call Of Duty easly KO'd all Crysis multiplayer, by fast tactical gameplay, interesting for everybody, delivering some extra fun for player who know how to play.

You can't accept simply thing about >6 players is impossible to coordinate in game. What you can tell us about tactics in Crysis multiplayer? Enough said?

I found better name for topic "6v6 Multiplayer...Crysis 2 destroys the families!" Hahahaha.

Active Quake Live and Modern Warfare 2 player.

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Rik Douglas
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:18 am

But I came as a bad player (with an horrible aim) and had fun so you can′t tell me that it′s difficult and I can′t tell you that′s easy to start with Crysis. Also I used my brain much which helped me over a KDR from 1.
But I don′t understand, and I′d be glad if you′d help me there, that a very big map with 32 people in it should be more difficult to play than a small with 12 players. Lets make a little scenario here:
1 super pro the rest is medium and you are a beginner so quiet bad ->
C or CW: You have a lot of space to hide to go away from that pro even if he kills you 1-3 times you can get away from him. In contrast to:
C2: I do not think that it is easier to play against a super pro on a smaller map with less people. The less people the more the chance to meet a guy you don′t want to fight to.

I do hate Vtols as you do so I chose to play maps without Vtols (Here you can perfectly see that CW brings you opportunities because I know some guys who like Vtols, I don′t, they play on Vtol maps, I don′t -> opportunity!)

And I pay only play on server where all start with the same weapon (for example: Buttkickers Free Weapon server: everyone starts with scar so this is well balanced).

And once again the idea of CW for me is that you have plenty of opportunities and you can chose which you like in contrast to whats being released about C2.
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Lori Joe
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:35 pm

Sorry Iceman but your thoughts making me rage. I, my clan and all the guys who still play Crysis online are the ones who bloody hold the game still alive even if its dieing its slow death. So I don′t understand where the hell you take your unbelievable insolence to think that your judgement is the right and the ones who are actually the really Crysisler are wrong.
As I said 6v6 isn′t bad, again playing a small map with 12 people is very funny. But, and thats the problem, the possibilities this game has are gone with that. You are forced to play 6v6 and thats the point that makes us old Crysisler quiet angry.

What? I only said the truth. I'm sorry, again.

I don't understand how you can talk about possibilities, seeing as the first game basically laughed at possibilities and didn't use almost any of the potential that was there. Now, the Crytek UK guys are utilizing all of that potential. Maybe leaving something for the future, too. And... Well, what do you want them to do? Do you want them to put 32 players on a map that was designed (in fact a game that was designed) for 12 players? Is that what you're asking? That's not happening. It shouldn't happen and you shouldn't even be thinking of non-sense like that, as far as I'm concerned.

I don't understand what we're talking about here. 6vs6 is how this game was designed. How the maps were designed. How the suit and its modules was designed. How the weapon balance was designed. It's most definitely staying and that's it. There's nothing to discuss here.

HOWEVER, once the game is released and it turns out that this 6vs6 doesn't work, THEN you can come and say that it's wrong or it doesn't work or it's bad. Whatever.

Right now, you're just wasting your time and energy.
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:26 pm

Oh God thats what I′m criticizing: Designing a game for 6v6 only is stupid and that I have now explained a lot and with enough arguments. I think we agree that we don′t agree.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:29 pm

Maybe you don't know enough about how to play right in most popular shooters? Demolition mode in Call Of Duty easly KO'd all Crysis multiplayer, by fast tactical gameplay, interesting for everybody, delivering some extra fun for player who know how to play.

You can't accept simply thing about >6 players is impossible to coordinate in game. What you can tell us about tactics in Crysis multiplayer? Enough said?

I found better name for topic "6v6 Multiplayer...Crysis 2 destroys the families!" Hahahaha.

hahaha you just made me laugh :)
in cod ppl dont give a **** about objectives so i dont see where is the tactics in that, i've played cod for some time and most of the objective based games like demolition, headquarters, global thermonuclear war or even just as simple as domination most ppl wouldnt bother to try to fulfil the objectives, they just bothered about their kdr, most ppl are so dumb and so focus on killing that i would just need to throw a smoke grenade that no one would even see me and i could disarm/plant the bomb and no one would care about it

therefore i started laughing when you implied that cod has more tactics than crysis, it is a faster game, as you say, thats for sure, also addictive as it can gets but thats cause its made for the general amount of players that dont know it is also allowed to use the brain when playing

about managing a more than 6 players team, yes i can do it successfully with a proper voip program and im noting special

and what can i tell you about tactics in crysis mp, well i can only talk about PS as its the mode i played most, in case you dont know, to win a game in PS you need to capture and protect a building called prototype factory that is used to store energy and get special weapons, then you need to get energy sites to build up energy while maintaining proto, when your team reaches 100 energy points you can buy a nuke to destroy the enemy HQ and win the game, meanwhile you also have buildings like an air and tank factory to get vehicles, which gives another edge to the gameplay

the tactics are in getting hold of those buildings while the opponent team tries to do the same, i can not explain you all of the details about tactics or action in this game you have to play it for yourself, but i can assure you that just a smoke grenade wont solve the problem
as you can see from this small explanation this is a unique type of game that requires much more than any of the modes present in cod
anyway enough with cod comparisons, the problem here is crysis and the fact that we cant get more than 6v6, weather we like or not to play in 6v6, why not giving the possibility to have more?
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Kelly Osbourne Kelly
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:24 am

The game was designed for 6vs6. Crysis 2 is too much in development for anything to be changed.

Let's just wait and see.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:48 pm

If anything, I think this will enable a lot more competition within clans. A clan of 20+ members will be looking at finding their best six players to represent them, from there they will work out B and C teams.

Either way, the Crysis 2 MP experience is awesome with 12 players, once you guys get your hands on it, you won't be dissapointed.
Man. I guess the Console kid is right? Aint he?

Enough with the gloating but I trust that it will be great also its something many clans do already is a competitive small team. Yes you could have Optic gaming followers but you only have a handful of THE Optic gaming team.

Plus from playing games like Battlefield, Halo, COD, and many more to even Counter Strikie, my team of people have always been a handful of people. If we ever go overboard, we just start restructuring into A tiers, being the best, B tiers, being great, and so on.

The only problem I have with that is once you get ambitious kids, they always shoot for A team, and usually we lose people since they are connected with other members and start breaking off to form there own groups. Also who really wants to be on Brown Team? Its like being the last kid picked in a playground game.
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:01 pm

This discussion should take an end... 6vs6 is just fine. I don't get why people are arguing over it. I played it and it was fun, OK? I wasn't sure either, but when I played it, it was just fast, balanced and it made fun.

In terms of Power Struggle, it still is: SCAR = win. Newcomers = 100 Prestige. 100 Prestige = no SCAR. You get killed and killed and killed and some time, you just want to bite into the keyboard. Don't accuse me of not playing the game properly, I actually played it over a month, and had less fun then with other shooters. Instead, that the MP of Crysis attracts more people, it's more rejecting people from it.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:01 am

This discussion should take an end... 6vs6 is just fine. I don't get why people are arguing over it. I played it and it was fun, OK? I wasn't sure either, but when I played it, it was just fast, balanced and it made fun.

In terms of Power Struggle, it still is: SCAR = win. Newcomers = 100 Prestige. 100 Prestige = no SCAR. You get killed and killed and killed and some time, you just want to bite into the keyboard. Don't accuse me of not playing the game properly, I actually played it over a month, and had less fun then with other shooters. Instead, that the MP of Crysis attracts more people, it's more rejecting people from it.

I agree, this fight can end soon or now?
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NIloufar Emporio
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:27 pm

Likon, maximum "bla-bla-bla, all is wrong with your Call Of Duty" mode engaged! Haha. Tell me more about Call Of Duty multiplayer, I played with my own team versus another "clans" for ~60 times. xD OK-OK-OK.

weather we like or not to play in 6v6, why not giving the possibility to have more?

Who talking about possibilities? Possibilties is undiscovered at this moment. Maybe mod, maybe DLC or add-on like Warhead. This combination works fine for sells. Or look at Vietnam DLC for BF:BC2, for example is another successful stuff, DICE on contract with EA too...

If game is dead it's all about quality. Crytek trying to make some right things, ok? Just give a time. I think, big maps and vehicles will return in future, but it needs many work.

My opinion based on three simple things:

1) You can't get it all by one moment.
2) After fail you should not make mistake again.
3) If you fails again at one thing, try something new.

And something new is modern day shooter Crysis 2.
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:39 pm

1) You can't get it all by one moment.
2) After fail you should not make mistake again.
3) If you fails again at one thing, try something new.

And something new is modern day shooter Crysis 2.

Hmmm apart from the nonsense you talked earlier that is quiet well thought.
1)If they add this as a addon (without extra cost) I would be fine with it.
2)Of course you should not mistake again but Crytek failed really at the patches as someone said this earlier. You can of course only mention it if you play day per day and from one to the other there are 200 player less playing the game and after that the next patch game and there were another 100 missing. So the failing started with the patches. In my eyes they should have came back to the roots. A well programmed improved version of CW with some addons like these maps and some special 6v6 mod.
3)Try something new is right but do not destroy the unique things you stand for!

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patricia kris
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:34 pm

And this "something new" must be good. 6vs6 doesnt look good.
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Quick Draw III
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:11 am

SHadowral, multiplayer of Crysis is like if they tried to launch rocket on Mars, but don't know the ABC. Free Radical Design is guys who know ABC and other cool books, but don't know Crysis 1. Basis of Crysis consist from game mechanics with nanosuit. IMHO.

Games are limited, but add-on must be another game, like Crysis Wars. Maybe Crytek Frankfurt is already working on it. I hope you understand that I talking about.
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:50 pm

If game is dead it's all about quality. Crytek trying to make some right things, ok? Just give a time. I think, big maps and vehicles will return in future, but it needs many work.

My opinion based on three simple things:

1) You can't get it all by one moment.
2) After fail you should not make mistake again.
3) If you fails again at one thing, try something new.

And something new is modern day shooter Crysis 2.

i'll just ignore first part as you seam to have run out of arguments...
this i agree with you, is something i already talked about, maybe it can be done on some dlc or such, although i guess maybe a few new maps as dlc is what we will get as something like this doesnt fit on a dlc, it would have to change many of the game files unless its already meant to be like that
anyway i already resigned to the fact that C2 will be completely different from C1/CW and i actually believe it is going to be some good fun, despite of these restrictions
the point about all this is that most C1/CW players were hoping for an improved version of the same game instead of a total new thing with all the difficulties it brings to the clans and servers owners
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:29 pm

I still think this isnt dead.
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:26 am

Lee, your comment has me laughing my ass off!

How exactly is Crysis 2 going to be "fun" for clans of 20+ members? Yeah, I'm sure it will be fun trying to fit 20 members onto a 12 player server.

Clans are mostly about being able to play with all your friends, the clans built only with competition in mind usually are very short lived, drama filled, and fortunately there are not many of them. Crysis Wars ESL clans are lucky if they last longer than three months without a serious break-off.

As a side note, if Crysis 2 does not support home based dedicated servers, it will be the demise of it. Me and many others have a good hexa-core here waiting to be "stressed" by the crazy amount of player actions happening on the map. I am not renting a server for Crysis 2 when I know my home pc can do it for cheaper, more efficiently, and without serious drain on my resources. It will be a good idea to include a dedicated server package so those of us with high end processors can put them to good use.

If a dedi-server package is released, it would increase the chances of me and others picking up an octo-core later this year when they're released along with 8GB memory in quad-channel awesomeness. :P IvyBridge and Bulldozer, here we come! Besides, it'll help the economy.

Home based dedicated servers = win. Unfortunately not many games have been releasing a dedi-package for home use, but I refuse to rent a server when my pc is perfectly capable of doing it for free. :(
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:41 pm

Yeah, I'm sure it will be fun trying to fit 20 members onto a 12 player server.
Trust me, it can be done. It is a challenge, no doubt, but 20 players CAN INDEED fit on a 12-player server. I'm talking advanced algorithms and some Steven Hawking magic. You know...2+2=5
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:32 pm

excuse me mr pc elitest nerd but consoles are perfectly fine at handleing 32 players even 200 players(mag) so dont blame consoles becouse you guys cant have 32 players heres a small list of some games onconsoles that can have more then 12 and some arnt even big team(halo/cod/mgs/uncharted) so here bad company has 24 homefront will have 32 halo can have 16 cod can have 18 mgs4 16 UP to 200 players in mag so dont say a console cant handle alot of players

Lol you come on a crysis forum and call random people nerds.

BTW @ the OP; I have never heard of Buttkickers. What Crysis server do you usually play in?
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:57 am

BTW @ the OP; I have never heard of Buttkickers. What Crysis server do you usually play in?

buttkickers free weapons server
buttkickers tank tia server

and we used to have more but thers no point anymore

btw i think maybe you are a c1 clan while we are a cw clan, thats why you havent heard of buttkickers and i havent heard of xerraz
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:17 pm

I don't understand why people call the 32 player FFA or TDM a randomly firing, headless chicken run etc. When i jump in a 32 Player match or higher, I know exactly where i want to aim, position myself, and the tactics i want to use.

If the gameplay is too fast for you don't join the match, it improves reaction time so much and you'll be playing better in each other game mode.

I believe there should be more than 12 slots in some game types all the server's i played on ran fine. I can't imagine 12 players running around a map like MESA you'd run into an enemy player every 30 minutes. Unless they've made the map sizes 75% smaller.

-Have both an XBOX 360 and PC-
-Game Will be cheaper on PC will buy that First
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:29 am

Hey all
so im one of the admins of the Noobhunters clan
we start our clan on the old ClanFr server who didnt exist anymore :(
so we started our own server 24/7 Mesa and Steelmill. We have servers on C1 and C wars. This is a very complicated and difficult theme. We WERE one of the biggest clans ( not anymore) but still we have the most played servers.... Its going to get really difficult to host server with 12 slots for us, because donations a very rare.
Im complitly with Talon. Server with 12 Slots are going to destroy the Cclans -.-
Just 4 fun i will give an example:
If a clan has 16 members, 6 are going to be able to play in a clan war. Ok 10 are left... hmmm so what to do a build a second team oh but when are they going to play....hmmmm nerver! because why the badder team should play when they are going to loose... but ok
so now there are 4 people are left: they wont get any chance to play in any war because they are to bad... ok they have to praktice on public servers or gathers
So but anyway Crysis was never a game concepted for clanwars!! Its a game for fun! Remeber the huge battles on mesa tarmac or craterwars??? Just awesome
i played esl, some will remember me and i wasnt the best :P, it was fun playing agains pros like haya or supcrazy
but its was the biggest fun to start an clanwars with 15 vs 15 or so
And another thing will b, if there wont be any dedicated servers ,there wont be any cheatprotektions or bugfixes of the community which saves C1 and C wars because i they where totaly bugged...

Sorry for my bad english but i think everybody is going to get what i ment...
at the moment i have to puke looking to the marketing strategy of crytek -.-
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