Maybe you don't know enough about how to play right in most popular shooters? Demolition mode in Call Of Duty easly KO'd all Crysis multiplayer, by fast tactical gameplay, interesting for everybody, delivering some extra fun for player who know how to play.
You can't accept simply thing about >6 players is impossible to coordinate in game. What you can tell us about tactics in Crysis multiplayer? Enough said?
I found better name for topic "6v6 Multiplayer...Crysis 2 destroys the families!" Hahahaha.
hahaha you just made me laugh

in cod ppl dont give a **** about objectives so i dont see where is the tactics in that, i've played cod for some time and most of the objective based games like demolition, headquarters, global thermonuclear war or even just as simple as domination most ppl wouldnt bother to try to fulfil the objectives, they just bothered about their kdr, most ppl are so dumb and so focus on killing that i would just need to throw a smoke grenade that no one would even see me and i could disarm/plant the bomb and no one would care about it
therefore i started laughing when you implied that cod has more tactics than crysis, it is a faster game, as you say, thats for sure, also addictive as it can gets but thats cause its made for the general amount of players that dont know it is also allowed to use the brain when playing
about managing a more than 6 players team, yes i can do it successfully with a proper voip program and im noting special
and what can i tell you about tactics in crysis mp, well i can only talk about PS as its the mode i played most, in case you dont know, to win a game in PS you need to capture and protect a building called prototype factory that is used to store energy and get special weapons, then you need to get energy sites to build up energy while maintaining proto, when your team reaches 100 energy points you can buy a nuke to destroy the enemy HQ and win the game, meanwhile you also have buildings like an air and tank factory to get vehicles, which gives another edge to the gameplay
the tactics are in getting hold of those buildings while the opponent team tries to do the same, i can not explain you all of the details about tactics or action in this game you have to play it for yourself, but i can assure you that just a smoke grenade wont solve the problem
as you can see from this small explanation this is a unique type of game that requires much more than any of the modes present in cod
anyway enough with cod comparisons, the problem here is crysis and the fact that we cant get more than 6v6, weather we like or not to play in 6v6, why not giving the possibility to have more?