Just building a rig with a 7970 and was wondering how you guys that have it are fairing. Gonna run a 3770 as the cpu. Was wondering if i could eek out 100fps at 1080p on low/ medium settings in mp or is that just a dream?

heh i wasnt able to get 100fps with 7970 on c2 mp, dx9, lowest settings. i think 7970 ran bit slower than gtx580 on c2 dx9 iirc.
i run 1080p lowest settings(for max fps) with gtx680 + i5 3570k(@4ghz) but my fps still drops to med-high 50s if i record during mp.
my graphic settings1: http://i.imgur.com/l3Hhe0C.jpg
my graphic settings2: http://i.imgur.com/AVZAZzx.jpg
(min fps drops to med 40s during recording if v-sync is off)
i record with msi afterburner @ half size, 80fps on to 2nd hard drive so it doesnt slow down the game too much.
just did fraps benchmark(F11) on one of the mp recordings and got ave fps = 65, max fps = 75, min fps = 56