windows xp3
intel core 2 duo e6600 at 2.40ghz
2giga ram
nvidia 8800gts 320mo (With latest driver)
mother board: P5N-E-sli
Yesterday, so i still install the game an say to myself this could be run anyway with lowest settings,,I saw the minimum requirement ask for a 8800 @ 512mo,,,So I arrive to play like 15minutes, then my computer jus turn off by himself.
When i try restart, my hard drive where i have the OS installed was no more reconize an got the unfamous blue screen.. (i have 2 partitions in my hard drive; 1 of 30go (C:) for OS and installation prog and 1 of 130go (D:) for the rest; crysis was install in the big partition). unable to restart even in safe mode...^^
I had to format and reinstall my OS on (C:) and now i'm a likle bit afraid to rune the game again...
Do you think i can still run this game?
I saw there's a patch for making advanced settings,,,could this help me to set up everything to low?
Give thanx in advance for your help and advice..