If he's a dev, Beth just lost 5 points for missing deadlines (I mean, DUDE, the WORLD could've ended! Jeez). If he's Kirkbride, cool, but... well, he missed his deadline. Psh. Writers... If he's a random guy waxing prophetic, I congratulate him for leading us (me, at least) on a very merry chase because I'm still not sure what the heck is going on, but sorry, man, I ain't waiting 6880 years for you to post again.
Again, it's typo city ("reconning," "Breathern," "was only brush strokes" rather than "were"). That makes me doubt that it's a professional, but, hey, if you're gonna make an entire post in metaphor, I foresee the heavy use of alcohol, so whether he's a dev or MK or neither is still up in the air. If there's the hand of Bethesda behind this, I really wish they'd announce what they're gonna announce and get it over with (I wasn't lurking the lore forums yet when OB was released, so if there was a big build-up for that, I missed it). Regardless, because "I WANT TO BELIEVE!!!", I will still attempt to decipher what is potentially nonsense. I got nothin' on
Spoiler Weapon of Nirn/Darkened Marukh
. Altadoon is Aldmeris and possibly Ehlnofex, though, not Ayleidic. Shame on you, Mr. Gift. Shame on you. So, the message:
We ignored his warning and all of us got eatinated by Anu and Padomay, everyone dies, the universe is absorbed by Sithis, the end, boo hoo... but because the universe is cool, everything starts over...
Aww, hell, they're retconning everything, aren't they? :banghead:

bliviongate: Kidding... at least I hope I am... :cryvaultboy: Well, maybe this time Cyrodiil will actually be a rainforest! Lol!!!!1!1!!!!1one
It'd be cool if they're remaking Arena and Daggerfall, though... 'course now that I've thought it, they won't be.
So, anybody have any idea what the tanj a Kalpa is? I can't find anything on it. Also, what's the significance of the weird indenting?