I've been trying to get MMM working for like a month now and it's just not having it :brokencomputer: :/ :/
I've lost count of how many reinstalls I've done: It goes like this:
1. Uninstall Oblivion using the uninstaller
2. Manually delete the Bethesda folder ( because the uninstaller doesn't do it).
3. Delete registry entries.
4. Reinstall in the following order:
Unofficial Oblivion Patch
UK patch 1.2.0416
OBSE 017b
OOO 1.3 (Extract to desktop and then manually copy the files over, Winrar doesn't like extracting straight to the Data folder for some reason)
OOO 1.4 patch
Load up OBMM and create the following OMODS, by browsing to the RAR file (is this right?)
One omod for the BSA file (373BSA)
One omod for the MMM 37b3 public release file
One omod for the OMOD installer (1.6.1)
Sort the load order with BOSS
Here's a pic of my OBMM:
The 1st omod is the installer
The 2nd is the BSA
The 3rd is the public release file
I get this a lot when I'm installing:
and then this:
Then I get those WTF missing mesh yellow things in game.
Manual installs just dont work at all, Oblivion won't even load, I'm going to have an aneurysm unless I get it going, can someone please help? There'll be a crate of Guinness in the post for you if you can :foodndrink: