This here is a mod I've been working on off and on the past couple of weeks. It takes advantage of the system for managing a house inventory, as well as dynamic item display. See the Sortomatic page for more details.
This house is (somewhat) lore friendly, and unlike many house mods, you have to FIND this one first, and decide to make it your home. Once you decide to take it as your house, only THEN can you begin upgrading and finding items to decorate it.
- Configurable inventory sorting courtesy of Sortomatic
- Full display of ammo and several weapons
- Display of food items
- Integrated crafting solution courtesy of Sortomatic
- Interactive medical station
- Repair options to get the house working again: Generator, water pump.
- DLC Support (see below)
Minor features include additional items that will work with mods l have made, like and soon to be a few more.
Other minor features are dynamic lights, and exterior window lights that won't work until the interior lights do.
Another feature, and the first in any house mod I've seen, is the support of other mods WITHOUT the use of compatibility patches. Using built in scripts, this mod supports:
- Bobblehunt
- Built in display stand that places Bobblehunt bobble heads on display
- Interactive messages that tell what the bobble heads do (based on Bobblehunt primary file)
- Built in display stand that places Bobblehunt bobble heads on display
- Interior Lighting Overhaul - Realistic Interiors
- Light switches using the ILO-RI meshes for lights. This feature REQUIRES that ILO-RI be installed and active.
- Project Nevada
- If you use Project Nevada, and also use the Cyberware module, then the medical station will install implants. For FREE (sort of).
- Will replace the generic chem set with a CHEMS activator, allowing chem crafting (does NOT support Sortomatic system)
As well, and not show in the screenshot below, the house has many posters and factional display items (in exterior). Posters, signs, and maybe some furniture can all be enabled by finding a copy in the game. By simply activating the item, the player can add it to the house (if it's supported). A supported item will show a status message saying that it has been found, and a challenge will allow you to track how many more of that type you have left to find.
And no, this doesn't require that you find a special shelf, or sign, or poster, ANY poster of that type will work. Examples of posters include the NCR Ranger poster, Old Vegas Show posters (found in many prewar locations), and more.
Signs can also be found to decorate the outside of your house. Different highway signs can be found to decorate around the front door, and many warning signs can be placed around the perimeter warning any wanderers off from your property (doesn't actually do that, just looks cool). Again, these signs are ANY of that type, and come with a message letting you know you've found one.
And finally, furniture. I still haven't decided on furniture yet, as it's a major part of the interior, and vital to the Sortomatic display system. As such, having to find furniture would delay the time before you can turn on displays.
DLC support is, for the time being, limited to some minor display options in the form of DLC unique (and recognizable) posters displayed over the player bed.
All of these interior shots show the house in it's fully displayed form. When you first get it, it will be even more empty than a normal house. It's up to YOU to fill it. - You can also see a sign that will be displayed if you find it. - The flagpole will fly faction flags if you enable them. And that whole front area will be full of warning signs. - Off screen is the Medical Station. - Pretty self explanatory here. - These displays will be populated by Sortomatic as you get those items. They can be taken from here too. - Food on display in the cabinets. In the lower right you see Chopper, a unique cleaver, on display. - The ammo displays will stock as you have them. Same with the rifles. - Those grenade bins were a pain to set up, but they look pretty good, huh? - I've got a lot there, huh? It can be taken from here too, and those stacks are smart. - A couple months of scrounging will turn up all kinds of parts. We can fix anything now. - Here we have the primary weapon and ammo storage, as well as some nice big guns to look at.