» Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:52 am
There are 5 ranks:
R1: lvl 1-4
R2: lvl 5-9
R3: lvl 10-14
R4: lvl 15-19
R5: lvl 20
Rank 1.
Grenade shooting: you can shoot your own frag grenades out of mid arir
Battled hardened: One extra pip of health
Supply boost: Gives one extra supply pip
Combat Intuition: You know when an enemy has you in their sights
Sprinting grenade : you can cook and throw a grenade while sprinting
Sprinting Reload: Reload while sprinting
Sense of Perspective: Third person view when completing objectives, you can watch your own back
Rank 3.
Rank 4.
Silent running: Footsteps and clothes make no noise. Sprinting and use SMART near enemies will not cause you to appear on radar
Rank 5.
Downed fire: Can use secondary weapon while incapped but have much less health while incapped.
Engineer abilities: Shown at 42 secs on the new vid.
Rank 1.
Standard Engineer kit: Ability to repair objectives and buff teammate weapons. (Also looks like they may gets mines with the kit)
Rank 2.
Kevlar plate: increased armor buff
Gearhead: (unsure)
Nerves of Steel: Quicker disarms
Turret 1: First turret
Rank 3.
Upgrade command post: doubles command posts effect for team
Turret 2: Second more powerful turret
Rank 4.
Increased mine capacity (unsure)
Improved weapon buff: you can't use the improved buff on yourself
Rank 5.
Gattling turret: level 3 turret and most powerful
Medic abilities: Shown at 1:01 in the new vid (looks like lots of new buffs, pity we aren't shown what is what)
Rank 1.
Standard medic kit: ability to buff teammates health and toss revive syringes.
Rank 2.
Adrenaline: temporary invincibility buff, but you take all damage at the end. can't self apply
Transfer supplies: gives one of your supplies to a teammate (unsure)
Rank 3.
Supplies buff: makes your supplies regen quicker (unsure)
Fleet of Foot: boosts sprint speed
Rank 4.
Improved life buff, cannot be used on yourself
Self Resurrection: revive yourself when incapacitated with long cool down
Rank 5.
Lazarus grenade: AOE revive grenade
Operative abilities: Shown at 24 secs and 52 sec (because apparently everyone loves operatives :ninja: )
Rank 1.
Standard Operatives kit: Allows you to hack and disguise yourself.
Rank 2:
Firewall: allows you to firewall CP's which makes it harder for enemies to take it back.
Homing beacon: allows you to track an enemy (unsure)
Comms Hack: gain intel from downed enemies, makes enemies appear on teams radar for a short time
Sticky nade: A grenade that sticks to the enemy and they only get 5 secs to get a teammate to remove it or boom, replaces standard nade
Rank 3.
Caltrops: Releases smoke and caltrops that will damage any enemy that attempts to move through it (round grenade)
Hack turret: reprograms turret to be friendly, more effective when done from behind :spotted owl: (turret wit operative mask)
Rank 4.
Control turret: allows you to take control of friendly turret and use it in a first person mode (remote control)
Cortex bomb: allows you to self destruct when incapacitated (exploding head)
Rank 5.
EMP grenade: slows HE charge, disables turrets (EMP nade)
Soldier abilities: seen at 10 secs (lots of unknowns as well)
Rank 1.
Standard Solider Kit: uses HE charge, resupply ammo, and access to molotov
Rank 2.
Armor piecing ammo (possibly): ammo supplied is more damaging (shield with bullets)
Flashbang grenade: temporarily will blind the enemy
Increased grenade cooldown: (unsure)
Scavenger: allows you to resupply supplies from dead enemies (bird claw)
Rank 3.
Kelvar armor: self armor buff (unsure)
Incendiary ammo: Hand out incendiary ammo to teammates
Rank 4:
Increased explosive range (unsure)
Increased explosive damage (unsure)
Rank 5.
Satchel charge: Like c4 can deploy up to 3 charges that can be remotely detonated.
Edit: This is the update with new abilities added and better layout.