» Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:25 am
My daedric warhammer-wielding, 100 Strength, lycanthropic Nord definitely would return to her lands of Skyrim with the inclusion of this Daggerfallian feature... considering how that's where she was created (and currently retired).
No puny, frequently wooden, door is going to stand in front of me, declaring "This lock has nothing to fear from you," and not get my ebony-plated boot through its frame. That'll teach that slab of dead tree-husk to not open immediately at my command!
So, yes. Breakables are very nice, balanced by much noise and possible destruction of valuables. Should be based on strength and efficacy of weapon used (daggers opposed to hammers), versus material and location of strikes. Of course, a destruction mage should be able to explode a door too, if they want.
Side-note: Magical locks could never be bashed down, so areas that require keys that don't exist are assumed to be these. "The door is magically reinforced beyond your ability to force it open, warded against simple spells, and the lock is too complex for you to pick."