My question is don't you think that putting a "cap" on some things in the next ES game would make it much more fun/challenging?
1- "OMG fire elemental attacks me, I must fight with ice magicz, Oh wait...... I drink zis potion *gulp*, haha fire elemental tickles me I have 150% resistance to fire lawl"
aside from the silly story, what I mean is that maybe fire resistance should never go above 75%, absorb magic should never go above 25%, and reflect is an active spell that reflect 100% of the time ONLY ONCE (per cast), why? because whats the point if the game ALLOWS you to cheat? if you can make a potion that adds 10000life, 300% resist all then whats the point of finding gear or leveling skills or doing quests, you just spam fatigue potions, make god potion go face dragon and kill him by standing their firing fire bolts at its face.
I really hope we see "some" kind of balance this time around, because a game with no balance gets boring really fast.