About Graphics cards

Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:31 am


Would it be possible to get a list of graphics cards that would run with Fallout 4, rather than the ONE card that is listed in each section.

We are looking them up and the ONE card listed seems to be a hardcoe game card.


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James Wilson
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:00 am

Well on the Nvidia side of the house, the lowest card is a GTX 550 ti and the recommended is a GTX 780. That gives you a lot of room are you looking for a new card or seeing if the one you have will work?

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Katey Meyer
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:17 am

Nvidia cards

It says for recommended that atleast a 780 is required so

780ti is Better, and thats old gen.

Current gen would be






Titan X

Im am not very familiar with AMD but R9 290x was the 200 series so anything in the 300 series should be fine

If you care considering using AMD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units#Radeon_Rx_200_Serieshas a list of the cards. You will find the recommended 290x near the bottom of the 200 series, and then you have all of the current 300 series.

Note that I assuming your wanting a card to play at the recommended settings.

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Daramis McGee
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:51 pm


I've always found this list to be useful in figuring out what cards are stronger than other ones, when all those model numbers start to blur together. :smile:

The low-end Nvidia 550 Ti is #113 on the list, while the Radeon 7870 is #56. (there's some suspicion that the 550 is a typo, since the 550 Ti is quite a bit weaker than the AMD card)

Meanwhile, the recommended cards are #21 and #16. There's a lot of choices in between, at a wide range of prices.

Another useful article is http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gaming-graphics-card-review,3107.html, Tom's Hardware. It's got suggestions for each price range. Combine that (and your budget) with the ranking list, and find the card that's right for you. :smile:

(Of course, there's multiple versions of cards at each level, depending on how the different hardware companies trick them out. What I'd usually do at this point is take the GPU model number I'm interested in, and go see how all the different versions of it compare, review & price-wise, at Newegg.com.)

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:54 pm

System requirements are a combination of necessary requirements and suggested requirements. Necessary requirements would be the internet connection, Steam account, 64-bit operating system and 30 GB Hard Drive space. Suggested requirements are the CPU and the video card. Not sure if the 8 GB RAM is a necessary or suggested requirement. There will be lots of people that will play Fallout 4 that don't meet the minimum suggested requirements. After all, it is not like Bethesda can test every single video card to determine if Fallout 4 can work with it. Although at a minimum, I would only use a video card that has 2 GB or VRAM since 1 GB or 512 MB of VRAM would have the quality of the game suffer too much due to running on the lowest settings.

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Austin Suggs
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:54 pm

I am working on a forum guideline that will have a list of cards and predictions on how well they may perform. Trying to sort some things out with admins/devs regarding the performance gaps I see in the reqs right now though, especially with the min reqs.

This thread will have the guide when ready:


Closing this thread to keep PC hardware questions to one. Thanks.

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Katy Hogben
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